Soft and slow business

Tamsin sits on the floor surrounded by a white sheet, smiling and looking content

What it's really like moving from hustle culture into slow, soft, nourishing business?

That’s exactly what my coach and mentor, Shelby Leigh and I got super honest about recently over on IG live.

Check out the jam-packed 30-minute conversation below.

We covered:
🤲 The journey from “always on”, hypervigilance towards greater trust and ease
🤲 What a CEO schedule can look and feel like when we tap into regulation and desire
🤲 The challenges and benefits of slowing down (and taking a week off every single month)
🤲 How we both committed to a business model that truly nourishes us

An IG Live with Tamsin Crimmens and Shelby Leigh talking about how they let their nervous systems lead in business and embrace a soft and slow pace

Join my email list for tips on how to receive more: attention from your adoring audience, sales from super-engaged clients and pleasure in how you run your business!

Tamsin Crimmens