Somatic coaching for Entrepreneurs, Healers and Creatives with a desire to share their work with the world

Because there’s magic and medicine in your work – and I’m going to help you be richly rewarded for sharing it through my embodied leadership trainings & coaching.


The offerings

Embodied business training

Embodied business training

The Superbloom Experience

An intimate 12-week live experience for conscious business owners ready to Be Seen + Receive: attention from your adoring audience, sales from super-engaged clients and pleasure in how you run your business

leadership coaching for women


Embodied Business

My signature 1:1 container is for coaches, creatives and change makers ready build a business in alignment with their nervous system

copywriting for entrepreneurs



Step into your CEO shoes and allow your future desires and vision to be fully held. Together we’ll recalibrate your nervous system and strategy to your new level.


The Process



You’re been in the online biz world for a while but you’re struggling to emerge as the goddess you are.

Well babe, growth happens from the ground-up for good reason – and it starts with your gorgeous cyclical body.

Let’s tend to your roots (aka your nervous system) so your business grows big and strong, shall we?


The seed begins to sprout and say “LOOK AT ME, I’M SO BEAUTIFUL!” - and that’s the way it should be when we’re showing up to tell people about our gorgeous offerings.

Only it’s not that simple, is it? Being seen feels kind of scary… fully expressing our truth is risky (what if we say something STUPID!!!?).

I’ll support you to get clear on your message and express it in a way that feels uniquely you.


Darling, you’re ready to BLOOM. You’re celebrating, reaping the harvest of all your hard work, you’re making BANK.

You’re a sovereign womxn, fully in charge of your body, money, relationships and life. Congrats!

My work is about shifting your receiving paradigm away from hustle and towards receiving with deepest ease, peace and flow.


 The Vibe

A closeup of a woman's body, thigh, belly and breast

I believe in the power of the body to lead the way.

I advocate listening to what feels good and turns you on.

My work is trauma-informed, cyclical and uses somatic tools that are scientifically proven to work.

I honour the fact that we are all works-in-progress.

Someone dancing wearing a silk shirt

I work to create harmony in our environments, relationships and lives.

I value rest and play as much as work and productivity.

I believe in the power of the feminine and masculine to create union, rather than division.

Woman in underwear leaning her head back in joy

I believe pleasure and beauty are essential for us to heal, connect and express our truth. You are not bad for feeling joy and pleasure. You are not broken if you can feel neither.

I believe that the beauty of nature, art and people is enough of a reason for them to be honoured and protected.

I create beautiful, warm, inviting and safe spaces for people to gather and experience transformation, whether virtually or in-person.

I embrace the sacredness of the ordinary, mundane and "small".

A girl holding a piece of fabric, image cropped from the nose to waist

I seek to be always learning and growing.

I’m open to feedback and healthy criticism and are always working to be better.

I approach trauma-responses with gentle curiosity.

I consider curiosity a magical power and encourage exploration and play.

Back view of someone's head and shoulders

I believe there is no better ROI than your own healing.

I promote self-love, self-trust, self-belief and self-compassion before all else.

I believe in filling ourselves up so we may serve others from our overflow and give generously without martyring ourselves.

I see the best in people and hold my clients in the highest regard so you can reach your potential.

Arms raised in the air, touching the sky

I believe peace is not just for the lucky few but for all.

I work towards creating a world where all people no matter the colour of their skin, gender or sexual identity may enjoy peace.

I work in harmony with our natural surroundings, strive for calm in our dealings with others and create tranquil settings for people to enjoy.

I believe peace in oneself leads to peace in the world.

I seek to be non-violent in my work.


What women are saying…

Tamsin created the most intimate, safe, and soul-enriching community and I felt incredibly supported and nurtured under her guidance. The practices I learned have been invaluable to my wellbeing, and the self-awareness I gained has transformed the way I work and play. I also feel like I was able to really dig deep into my self-limiting beliefs, while feeling so seen by the others on the journey. Tamsin created a powerful safe space to process and heal, and I found myself unearthing energy within that I didn’t even know I had. I would recommend working with Tamsin to anyone who wants to live more in tune with their bodies, find more balance in their lives and to move in the direction of their true purpose. She is a gem of a human and her energy is infectious and creative.
— Emily Harkness, Yoga Teacher + Marketing Guru
I was really lost when I started working with you. I had covered myself up with the expectations and persona that the world wanted me to have. All of the work I have done with you has helped me shed those layers and find myself again. In particular, you helped me to be able to express myself as me and realise I didn’t need to hide myself away, that people could like me for who I really am.
— Emma Pyper