Slowing down to speed up: the key to sustainable success and expanding your capacity for wealth

Black and white image of Tamsin Crimmens laying down smiling with her eyes closed, on a pink and red background

I’m not here for spikes of success then crashing into burnout. I’m here for sustainable growth that happens at the pace of your system.

That happens at the pace of the most reluctant part of you.

That honours the body instead of pushing through and ignoring its calls for sleep, water, fresh air, laughter, connection.

When you know your system so well that you can gently stretch your capacity instead of pushing way beyond your limits, you get to take MORE action, and hold BIGGER results — not less.

This is slowing down to speed up.

It’s the key to sustainable success than doesn’t just mean cash in the bank, but a life of joy, pleasure, peace and presence.

It’s what supports you to feel completely grounded in your strategy, your message, your leadership, your wealth.

It’s what supports you in the implementation and the holding of your new level.

It’s what moves you from massive vulnerability hangover and up-level wobbles, to normalising your nervous system response to the new level and stabilising it.

For most entrepreneurs I work with, they have the offers, the work ethic, the ideas, the drive to create phenomenal results.

But they’re frustrated that they’re either a) doing all the things, getting results but feeling crappy or b) doing all the things, not getting results and so hustling harder.

When we bring the body into the mix and listen to what it’s communicating, we can recalibrate towards safety, trust and enoughness.

This makes taking aligned action so much easier, because you know you have your own back, whatever arises. You have the tools to return to your most loving Self.

Repeat after me:

My capacity for wealth expands as my nervous system capacity expands

My capacity for leadership expands as my nervous system capacity expands

My capacity for ease expands as my nervous system capacity expands

I will never be a stand for income goals at any cost or following the cookie-cutter strategy.

I’m a stand for leaders who support us to feel safe in our skin and already enough.

Something new is coming that has this philosophy at its heart.

I’m taking my sweet time with it because there’s simply no rush. I know that what’s good for me is good for my people.

The revolution is coming…

Stay tuned.
