Nervous system upper limits explained

I used to do this suuuuupr cute thing.

Picture this:

I'm vibing! I'm selling! I'm showing up! My bank account is over-flowing! People are all "I want some of what YOU'RE having!" I'm in the creative flow!

And my beautiful girlfriend gets home and I'm all:

"I thought you might have bought me flowers. I feel like you don't want me to be successful." (These are actual words that came out of my mouth).

And I start thinking to myself, "Maybe I would be happier if I moved to Bali..."

This would happen every single time I launched a new offer, sold out my 1:1, had a big new opportunity come my way.

I just HAD to level things out and bring myself down. I couldn't possibly let things get TOO good, could I?

It was SO fun.

Luckily this doesn’t happen anymore because I’ve been able to make best friends with this particular pattern and be on the lookout for it.

You might have heard this pattern referred to as the “Upper Limit” but I would go a step further and call it: 


I.e. the amount of love, joy, success, abundance and happiness our system feels safe to let in.

Because here’s the thing I wish more people would talk about:

Getting everything you want is uncomfortable af!!!

Yes, receiving more attention, praise, money, clients, love, pleasure can be a big old signal to your nervous system of DANGER DANGER DANGER!!!

Our Autonomic Nervous System is VERY smart. If anything reminds it of something that was dangerous in the past that's yet to be processed, our system is going to pipe up suuuuper loudly in order to help us avoid something similar happening again.

So if you were ever called "too big for your boots", "bossy" or if you shined a little too brightly at school and felt the pain of disconnection...

Or if you've had beautiful things in the past and lost them (which is most certainly part of my story)...

Which explains why getting what you want could have you feeling anything from numb to anxious to dread.

When you hit your nervous system upper limit, you might have tried to rationalise or talk your way through it. 

Doesn't work though, does it?

That's because our systems don't speak English, they speak a different, somatic language (the oldest part of our Autonomic Nervous System is 500 million years old after all).

Which is why we practise allowing the goodness in slowly and somatically.

4 ways to expand your nervous system upper limit

  1. Learn to regulate your nervous system around We practice tolerating the discomfort of receiving, being seen, being loved, being rich in small chunks, regulating our systems as we go.

  2. We practice celebrating so we can carve new neural pathways in our brains that things DO work out for us.

  3. We befriend our nervous system so we understand what's happening and don't have to blow up our lives!

  4. Befriend your inner protectors 

And we work WITH our protective parts (who show up as anything from the inner critic to the perfectionist to the controller) to show them we are safe to have all this goodness.

This is what I practise on the daily and what I share with my clients.

If you want a taste of this life and business changing medicine, I'd love you to join me inside The Superbloom Experience.

To us all learning to tolerate the discomfort of getting everything we want 

