A 3-part process to help you receive more

I have to confess: I haven’t always been very gracious when it came to receiving gifts.

I have an extremely expressive face!!

People can usually tell when I’m not super thrilled with a present.

My sister just loves to recount the look on my face a few Christmases ago when she gifted me a “fun” set of novelty pinball coasters (I had asked for something more luxe and maybe made of crystal). 

I know, I KNOW, it’s ungrateful and mean-spirited.

And believe me, I’ve been working on it.

Because as you may have heard me say before: 

Receiving is receiving is receiving

And how we receive in one area of life is often how we receive in others.

This is important because, when we say we want to open up to receive more financial abundance, business success or time for ourselves, but then act the complete opposite in other areas of our lives, we’re not priming ourselves (or our nervous systems) for bigger things.

Here's a zero judgement temp-check on your current receiving set-point. Ask yourself, do you:

  • Get annoyed or resentful that you have to do everything yourself

  • Feel like none of the investments you make are worth it

  • Frequently complain that your audience aren't behaving like you want them to

  • Brush off or minimise compliments

  • Wish people around you would just know what you want and need

  • Struggle to let other people pay for things

  • Hide your latest purchase or downplay it

If you answered yes to any of these things, I want you to know there’s nothing wrong with you. 

Your nervous system has one job and that's to keep you alive (not happy, just with a pulse) and that often means keeping us small.

If you want to expand your capacity to receive money and clients, start by practising in small ways. This is how we show our system that it's safe to receive in bigger ways.

Here’s a simple 3-part process to practise the next time you receive a gift, compliment or free coffee:

1. Acknowledge 

Don’t rush past it! Slow down enough to notice all that's gone into you receiving. The work of every person involved, the thoughtfulness and the 

2. Appreciate 

Offer gratitude and thanks for everything (the opportunities and the challenges). If you can lean into the feeling of gratitude, can you turn up the dial and allow your body to experience the felt sense of celebration? 

3. Assimilate 

Slowly and in a titrated way that you can tolerate, allow the feeling of receiving into your embodied experience so your system can begin to FEEL that you're safe to do so. Even 1% more is more than enough. To do this, bring your awareness to your breath, notice your feet, feel yourself connected to the ground or surface beneath you. Notice what it feels like to allow the feelings of receiving.

Expanding our capacity to receive is possible for all of us. It's a practice of slowly allowing our system to feel safe to take off the protective armour and step towards what we desire.

I’d love to know what you would ADORE to receive in your life/business right now?

Are you desiring new clients? A lover? Time with a trusted friend? More compliments? An unexpected financial gift? More orgasms? 

Write them down and notice what comes up.

